Religions are being discriminated against!

CNN has published a list of the world’s 10 most dangerous terrorists. That list is an outrage:

  • All members are Islamic. No Christian, Jew, Sikh – not even a Jehova Witness! And we all know how those Watchtower Goons terrorize Bus Terminals and Railway Stations all across the nation! But no, only the Islamists get mentioned. Why is that? This list discriminates against other beliefs.
  • Male only. No woman is mentioned, not even in a Runner-up list. This in spite of the fact that there are some well known female terrorists that have much cooler names – like for example the White Widow. This list is typically misogynic westerner fare.
  • Territorial bias. Everyone on the list originates from, or lives in, the middle east/asia. We have great terrorists all around the world! Did everyone just forget Carlos, the ETA or IRA? Isn’t it enough that the Saudis have all the oil?

We can’t let this stand. We must remove the dominance of Islam on this list! Petition your representative at the UN to stop this gross injustice. Advocate a 10 point agenda for religions, continents and women to have at least 2 individuals in the top three each. And screw the math!

We must stop the dominance of Islamist terror.