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No Gods, No Glory

Unpreaching the Choir

This is a difficult subject - and you are sure to have feedback. Let's try and keep it civil - there is already too much shouting going on in this world.


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By sending an email to above email address, you irrevocably transfer all rights to Christian Franz, including but not limited to the rights to publish the contents of your email in any form, in part or in whole, with and without attribution to your name or alias.




If you are deeply religious, reading this treatise may offend, or deeply disturb you. I do not apologize for this: It’s you, not me. The fault lies with your inability – despite protestation to the contrary – to tolerate criticism of your faith. Because that is what I do: I criticize (and perhaps ridicule) religion - not you. You can only feel offended by what I write if you this important advice: you need therapy.
