The world’s only voluntary muslima is at it again. Not understanding anything about reality (dead give-away: she likes wearing, and defending, the Burqa), in an open letter posted on a swiss salafist web site, Nora Illi praises the act of two European teenage girls (aged 15 and 16) who have gone to Syria to become Jihadists as ‘an act of civil courage’.
Yet even Illi admits that the only way these women can join the jihad is by marrying a fighter. The west may deride this as ‘sex jihad’, but the fact is that the epithet fits: these women aren’t welcome as fighters, only as sex toys. That’s how Illi views female empowerment. Pathetic.
It gets worse. Let’s say you are a woman, and you are both courageous and stupid enough to give up your freedom, integrity and everything you are to become a freedom fighter’s entertainment. Illi states that these women are doing it as a testament to their faith. Bull. In Syria, both sides are Muslims, and have therefore equal right to claim that God is on their side.
There is nothing courageous nor morally sound in this tragic affair. These girls went to a different country to wage war. Ethically this is always wrong. Becoming a mercenary has no moral defense. That’s why they try to dress it up it as ‘Jihad’.
So why did these girls go? Because they are frigging stupid, and very young. Having no idea what they are getting themselves into, they probably have read too much of female teen drama ‘Divergent‘, hoping to find a green-eyed rebel leader with whom they save the world before supper.
Unfortunately, the truth is that they have wasted their lives. Should they be lucky enough to survive, they’ll return as property (wives) of someone they don’t know. And if they return, they will be immediately seized and dragged before a court. They did break international law, after all, and stupidity never has been a good defense. The reason Illi doesn’t know this is because she never stood before a judge.
Civil courage my ass.