The persecution of Christians

It was inevitable. As we all know, Christians are persecuted – just like UK’s ‘Voice of Justice’ Lynda Rose lamented after her miserable appearance on BBC’s ‘Big Question’. That statement raised some eyebrows, so here are some concrete examples from the past three months:

  • In Greece, a man was sentenced to 10 month in prison for Blasphemy after poking fun at a priest on Facebook
  • Students wearing T-Shirts adorned with a page from the ‘Jesus and Mo’ cartoon were threatened to be expelled from campus if they didn’t cover their T-shirts
  • A picture showing the ‘Flying Spaghetti Monster’ superimposed on the ‘Creation of Adam’ painting was forcibly removed from a booth at a student fair
  • A student group was kicked off-campus for naming a pineapple ‘Mohammed’

Oh, wait. That’s the Christians persecuting atheists.