The Ministry of Silly Talks

I have some strange quirks. One of them is that, although not british, I like – and dare I say: comprehend – Monty Python. Not just ‘Life Of Brian’; to this day I can’t help but glance expectantly towards the door whenever I hear the words ‘Spanish Inquisition’.

Unfortunately, the world of humor is drifting perilously close to reality. For over a year now, Britain has a Minister of Faith. A few years ago I thought the Ministry of Silly Walks was a high point in comedy; now there is a Minister of Silly Thoughts.

Last week, the Minister, Baroness Warsi, on the subject of Islam extremism treated the british Parliament to quote from The West Wing, following it up with a particularly thin version of the No True Scotsman argument.

This has led me to believe (ha!) that the Baroness is now the prime candidate for the soon-to-be-formed Ministry of Silly Talks.